Originally released Christmas 2022, this is the tragic true story of The Donner Party, a group of unfortunate wagon train migrants who find themselves trapped for the winter in the unforgiving Sierra Nevadas. Join Dawn and guest, Andy Kraft, as they retrace the steps of the famously doomed.
This was no party...
They were the group who got hopelessly stranded over a particularly harsh winter in the Sierra Nevadas - many of them starve to death and several of those who don’t starve to death, survived by resorting to cannibalism.
Dawn's guest is actor and writer, Andy Kraft. He is a longtime friend and colleague - together they've done everything from romantic comedies on screen, to portraying water droplets on stage. Andy can be seen in countless commercials, episodes of television (including the final episode of Brooklyn nine-nine) and is the hand up the bum of some of your favorite puppets!
SILF's (Sources I'd Like to F*ck)
LILF's (Link's I'd Like to F*ck)
Find us on Instagram or email us hilfpodcast@gmail.com
Theme song: Composed and performed by Kat Perkins.