It is known among historians as the greatest horror show in human history. The Black Death, aka: "The Plague", aka: "The Great Pestilence." This highly-deadly, bacterial infection first appeared in the Middle Ages then quickly spread across the entire known-world from China to Sweden, killing half of the population. Join Dawn and celebrated Hollywood music producer, Mary Ramos, as we follow the rats and their fleas all the way down the rabbit hole.
Dawn is joined by celebrated Music Supervisor, Mary Ramos, who has worked on some of the most incredible film scores in movie history! A close collaborator with Quentin Tarantino, she’s had a hand in everything from Pulp Fiction to Django Unchained - and a slew of other favorites in-between.
Join us as we discuss the very beginning of The Black Death, starting with Patient Zero in Italy and then follow us… and the rats, and the fleas… around the world and right to our own back door.
Join us for HILF LIVE - Wednesday, Dec. 11th @8PM - Flappers Comedy Club. Burbank, CA
SILF's (Sources I'd Like to F*ck)
LILF's (Link's I'd Like to F*ck)
NEXT NEW EPISODE: Wednesday, November13th, 2024 THE BLACK DEATH Part 2 - Plague Stories with Mary Ramos
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Theme song: Composed and performed by Kat Perkins.